Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The role Social Media Plays in SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Social Media and SEO

With the a new feature out called "Share This" you can now instantly share your thoughts with all of your social media bookmarks with one simple click. This has made it significantly easier to get your thoughts out into the virtual space of the Internet and into the homes of millions of people who may or may not be interested in what you are talking about.

In this instant gratification world we live in, everyone is wanting to get what they searched for and as fast as they can get it. All the while hoping that the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and now Bing are getting it right. Meaning what I am searching for is what is popping up on my screen in the SERP'S. With SEO being a big part of the algorithm that major search engines define the best results for particular keywords, it is becoming more and more and more important that an SEO company is using Social Media to get their word out about their client as fast and as accurate as possible.

Trying to get back-links from these social media sites? Don't! I have tried several ways and all I can see that works is getting a link out to the site and hope your friends and theirs all click on it, with the hope that one or more of those people are actually looking for what you are promoting. No significance return on link-building through social media sites has become relevant to my clients search rankings.

If anyone has found a good way to receive quality link-building (not link-spam) by using social media I would appreciate any information you have been able to gather, along with any data you may have to support your claim.

Thank you for taking the time read and respond to this article and like always I hope it helps someone get higher rankings in the major search engines.

SEO Specialist information can be found at SEO Rank Builders new site :